
PHARMACOPEIA Closing Party, & The Weirdest Art Show Review Ever?

Tuesday, October 11th Bryant Locher's PHARMACOPEIA exhibit will be ending its run at The FUTURE PRESENCE Gallery. To celebrate, and to give those who have not had the pleasure to view this large collection of Locher's colorful work in one place, there will be a small closing party from 7-9PM.  Refreshments will be available, and Locher will give those gathered on a small tour of his work.
'Black Door'. 72" x 48". Acrylic Paint on Tinted Canvas on Door Frame. 2011.

The show opened September 30th to a stylish group of art-lovers, artists, musicians and vagrants. Art openings can be strange and wonderful events, and for most of the evening the guests remained a normal if not raucuos group, drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon cans and discussing the intricate paintings and the light displays by Locher, while cool, steely mixes from DJ SOVIET PANDA and members of SOLID GOLD floated through the gallery. But perhaps the strangest event of the evening was one particular art lover, who after a brief glance around the gallery, went directly to the podium at the entrance of the gallery and began to write in the guest book. After a few minutes, those gathered couldn't help but wonder what, and how much, this man was writing. Some twenty minutes later they could think of nothing else. Finally, the gentlemen exited, leaving only the strangest, or most insightful, personal review of an art show I have ever seen. Here it is, verbatim, minus spelling errors corrected.

‘Those capsulated time-packed pellets are working. Keep exploring the possibility of different “kinds” of time. Hints abound. Study the multiple simultaneous-seeming pulses – regular time, seasonal time, watery time, ecstatic time or a kind of star time. You are onto something true here – keep at the research. A big discovery at the tiny, buzzing hummingbird rewired for harder work, rewarding rendezvous, skull spiritual employment will follow.

Copper Wire’ very, very nice. ‘Green Pole’ needs a new name. The barometric essence of this figure suggests a capacity to tackle the problem of density. Solved, you will find something truly remarkable about the power of water to remember everywhere water ever was. You open the possibility of redeeming ‘the mother’- releasing the essence of a genuine conscience of its wild wisdom, which is lightyears beyond science. Science will verify what your conscience drives at weaves with the urgency of water and you keep/continue working to release it from the trip of obedience. Encouraging.

Keep going with this. A good channel for you, Bryant. Keep bending it, reverse it, work on opposites that marry-up. A very good go.’


To see the work reviewed here, stop into The FUTURE PRESENCE Gallery Tuesday, October 11th at 7PM.


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